Wednesday, June 15, 2011

MGTwitterEngine getFollowersIncludingCurrentStatus issue : Twitter API deprecated

I am using Twitter+OAuth+IPhone

This Monday I fount that MGTwitterEngine function which I am using for getting the list of follower with there status i.e getFollowersIncludingCurrentStatus of MGTwitterEngine returns Error 403

this function was working before it

I assume that there may be some limit cross as per twitter developers

But it still not working after 2 days.

Then I search on internet and after search and discussion with other developer I found that API which I am using has deprecated.

Then I change the API version in MGTwitterEngine

I change in the MGTwitterEngine.m line 40
#define TWITTER_DOMAIN @""
#define TWITTER_DOMAIN @""

then my function working fine as it was working.

Hope this post help people if facing similar issue

Related Discussion
twitter-development-talk link